Speaking to the souls of women

My journey includes losing my mom to cancer at age 12, struggling with unresolved grief, emotionally immaturity, hiding/striving/performing, and coping/numbing/denial for decades. When the weight was too heavy to carry, I got honest and received help. I learned release through surrender, freedom + wholeness through transparency, and found true community through the love, truth + grace of the family of God, 12-Step Recovery + a great therapist. In December 2021, I was diagnosed with stage 1 ovarian cancer. Praise God I'm cancer free and the cancer journey brought healing to that 12 year old little girl who still had a lot of unhealed brokenness.
My passion is sharing my story so you can connect with yours + the epic redemption story God offers all of humanity. I'm no expert - I'm still on my journey. Let's learn from each other as we grow.
I live in Orange County, CA but love to travel. Let's connect and see if I'm a good fit for your next event.
MomCo (formerly MOPS)/Moms Groups
Women's Ministry Special Events
Women's Retreats - Ready to go theme and content.
Women's Bible Studies
Emotionally Healthy Parenting (great for parents and couples)
Speaking Topics (In-person, Live Zoom or Pre-recorded):
It's time for Wild Hope (MomCo 2024-25 theme) - a deep dive into the MomCo theme and tenets (Be Open to Receive, Build Endurance & Live Passionately) with activities to inspire intention and activate hope.
A Little Yes Can Leave a Big Legacy - A mixture of my mom group story, inspiration + invitation to say YES to all biblical community has to offer, and vulnerability to help moms know mom's groups are a safe place. The best way to kick off a session or at anytime during the year.
BELOVED - An invitation to allow ourselves to be-loved. When we consider ourselves as the Beloved of Christ it changes how we live, our families, and the legacy we leave behind.
Power of Story - What is the story you tell yourself about this time? We have more power than we recognize to change our perspective in the midst of hard times. The hard and holy always coexist. Encouraging and practical ideas to seek out the holy in the middle of the hard.
Intentional Christmas - A no shame discussion about what Christmas looks like with little ones + an invitation to intention.
Emotionally Healthy Parenting - Move from default parenting to intentional parenting. A skill-based, experiential workshop for parents. (Great for couples too!)
Final MomCo/Bible Study Session - Wrap up the session with reflection, inspiration + encouragement to continue to live in community.