Imposter Syndrome, insecurity, self-doubt.
Social media often hides what happens behind the smiles.
I’m learning NOT to hide the parts of me that make me cringe. I’m learning to acknowledge the light + dark, ugly + beautiful, good + bad. It’s all there. As a person who seeks wholeness, I cannot dissect myself into pieces. Shalom (peace, harmony, wholeness, completeness) means I allow what is in me to be, I acknowledge it with kindness, and then I respond instead of reject it.
Before each Mending the Soul, insecurity, self doubt and imposter syndrome flares. Who am I to do this? I have so much to learn, how can I teach? Is this content going to help anyone?
Then I see the faces I know will show up. The heaviness people carry. The epidemic loneliness for real connection. The soul starvation rampant in our culture. And I jump back into the holy work I am called to. Trusting that God still works through broken vessels. That His grace and power will accompany my humble offering.
Yesterday I took a mental break from preparing to connect with my girls. I mentioned feeling a little anxious about my presentation. Not asking them to fix it, instead communicating that it’s okay to be nervous. My daughter suggested I read from the affirmation jar she gave me for Mothers Day (aka - speak truth to my soul). She wrote this Post It for me. She gets it. I’m reminded that my influence does impact women and I get back to work. Reminded of my passion to speak life into all who will listen.

If you identify, speak truth to your soul right now. I will imperfectly speak truth to your soul too. We are all becoming. Becoming takes time. Be gentle with yourself during the process. You are doing better than you think.
Join me at Mending the Soul on Wednesday or Friday night. You will connect with yourself, God, your story and healthy people. You will be encouraged, soul nourished and comforted. I can’t wait to experience it with YOU.
Register on Facebook at Blooming Faith Ministries
Tonight, May 13 @8pm PST
Friday, May 15 @5pm PST
$10/registration. Handout, Mending the Soul Mini packet and Zoom login will be emailed on day of presentation

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